Commercial Design

Two Moons

Two Moons is a unique concept that caters coffee during the day and whisky at night. The name represents the two different phases of the moon and the two distinct offerings. During the day, the bar serves artisanal coffee, pastries, and light bites. As the sun sets and the night takes over, the atmosphere becomes more sophisticated with a wide selection of whiskies from around the world.

The design concept of Two Moons combines modern elements with rustic charm. The brass accents and raw textured walls create a warm ambiance, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the space. The raw textured walls provide a vintage and industrial atmosphere, adding character to the design. The overall effect is a cozy and comfortable environment that invites customers to relax and enjoy their coffee or whisky in style. Two Moons' unique design concept sets it apart from other bars and offers a one-of-a-kind experience for both coffee and whisky lovers.


Category: Commercial Design

Location: Macau

Size: 614 square foot

Year: 2021

Designed by Studio-in-between